On Zero Sum Games
Ideas for CoT Models: A Geometric Perspective on Latent Space Reasoning
How AI Will Create the Future
What I Would Tell the Frontier Labs
rohlang3: (an attempt at) a point-free, homoiconic, and dependently typed SK calculus
Perfection is an Illusion
Evolution's Design Pattern
What Artificial Intelligence Implies About Natural Intelligence
Go and Java: Rethinking Type Safety for the Pragmatic Age
In Defense of Colloquial Entropy
How LLMs Actually Make Better Programmers (and further pedagogical quibbles)
MOATs Aren't Useful
The Entropic State as Creative Necessity
Go is Productive
85% of Cursor AI in a Shell Script and Good Prompting
Writing Code with LLMs Leads to Better Software (and other insights from building LLM systems)
YC's Scaling Problem
Is the College Student Startup Pipe Dream Dead?
Making Things People Want vs. Making Things That Alter Thinking
My Stationary Stack
I Wish I Didn't Miss the '90s-00s Internet
On My Writing
Science Didn't Kill God
On Uncreative People
Bring Crypto Back to Currency
My Dev Enviroment
Java is an amazing language (better than rust)
There is Always Someone Better Than You (and What You Can Do About It)
You're Wrong About Hard Work